Business ruling

Combine the world of 3D product configuration and rule based automation to maximize your online sales.

Apply your business rules to the configurator and ecommerce functionality

Visual eCommerce business manager

De Visual eCommerce Business Manager

The business manager in Visual eCommerce empowers to:

  • Maintaining complex product configurations
  • Adding logic to the product configurator
  • use E-commerce personalization
  • Manage pricing like tiers, dependencies and customer pricing
  • Store additional customer data in the Custom(er) Data Manager.
  • Setting up the platform for either CPQ or direct ordering
Guide and direct them towards the ultimate shopping experience and maximize results.

What is eCommerce personalization?

With eCommerce personalization, you create tailored online interactions and experiences for your customers. By using customer data in a smart way, you can impress and guide your customer in your webshop.

The application of personalization is based on data input, conditional rules, and action output.
Een gebruiker heeft bepaalde  klantkenmerken, of voert specifieke acties uit. Op basis van deze informatie kan, als aan de ingestelde voorwaardelijke regels voldaan wordt, de gepersonaliseerde actie worden uitgevoerd. 


Use relevant customer data as a source for eCommerce personalization.
Manage the data in the Business Manager or directly read the data via an API connection with a CDP, CRM, or ERP application. 

Rules and conditions

Define the rules yourself and set them in the flexible Rules Engine. Utilize the standard set of rules or, together with Proud Nerds, create new rules that suit your business case.


Determine what needs to happen. There are many built-in standard actions available for personalizing prices, content, assortment, and webshop functions such as upselling, shipping and payment methods. 

Let's get personal

E-Commerce personalization

The possibilities of Visual eCommerce personalization listed: 

Pricing and discounts

Up- and cross selling
Configurator personalization
Product catalog and presentation
Content and data
Shipping and payment methods

Why e-commerce personalization?

Higher average order value

Increase the average order value by personalizing the purchase process.

Loyalty and Engagement

Connect customers to your brand and involve them in your online activities.

Higher conversion

Purchase willingness is increased through the right application of personalization. Consequently, boost the conversion rate.

Serve customers according to agreements

Serve customers based on agreements regarding prices, assortment, and conditions.

Set the personalization rules yourself

Personalization Manager

Define personalization rules based on customer data and conditions. Link one or more actions to be executed. Easily, without the need for a single line of code. Set a date range, use customer tags, or combine customer properties in the rules engine. 

Manage customer data in the integrated CDP (Customer Data Platform). Or connect with your own CRP, CRM, or ERP through a real-time API connection. Whether it's personalizing product offerings, prices, texts, or webshop functions, the personalization manager makes it possible.

Let's talk

Ready to start with e-commerce personalization?

We are curious about your ambitions! We would be happy to explain what Visual eCommerce can mean for you within your e-commerce strategy.